Weekend Vacation

I am aware that parts of the world is shut down due to COVID-19. I am just a little tired of being inside. We decided to take a short trip to Charlotte, North Carolina. Our plan was just to ride around to observe and of course photograph.

My sister joined my husband and I. We also took the dog. We stayed at an air bnb. I was secretly wishing a museum or some other tourist site was open. Every business I called was closed or they were open half the day. We eventually drove around sightseeing. We ended up downtown or uptown as they call it. I parked along the street and excited the vehicle, camera bag in hand. I attempted to capture close up images but some of the buildings were to tall. I did the best I could. Hey , I’m learning.

I switched the settings to sports and had my husband snap a few shots of me. I want to share a few pictures of me today because upon my return to my house, I woke up this morning sick. I could not download all the pictures so I will share just a few.

Attempting to kick the water.
I did it! My husband captured it.
Okay I had to rethink things.
I took a dare.
Yep, I made it.

This is my day to let my hair down a be a kid again. Stay tune. When I’m feeling better, I will post more.

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